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Showing posts from May, 2016

Look. Listen. Create. Part 1

Spring is here! Flowers are blooming, animals are being born, and new creation is happening everywhere! Our Jazz & Ballet Academy students are beginning their student choreography projects. For those students in our VPA classes, we like for them to try to work beyond the "choose-a-popular-song-and-add-your-favorite-moves" method of choreography. We want them to think deeper and work on their storytelling abilities in their movement. It is also a perfect time to add a cross-curricular connection. Last year we delved into history and this year we are working with English. At a VPA staff meeting 1st semester, I started the planning with English and some other fellow VPA teachers were willing to go along for the ride, making for a huge school project. I am happy to share full post dedicated to: Look. Listen. Create.  Project Summary: Music theory kids have created student-composed pieces of music as part of their curriculum. That music was then played in Art classes as th